Yes, forbid in Cornish is difen
Author: melyn
Gorharga is the Cornish word for overcharge
Yes, overcharge in Cornish is gorharga
Pe is the Cornish word for pay
Yes, pay in Cornish is pe
Difudhell is the Cornish word for extinguisher
Yes, extinguisher in Cornish is difudhell
Opportunystieth is the Cornish word for opportunism
Yes, opportunism in Cornish is opportunystieth
Sorrvan is the Cornish word for indignation
Yes, indignation in Cornish is sorrvan
Degowek is the Cornish word for teenage
Yes, teenage in Cornish is degowek
Destna is the Cornish word for destine
Yes, destine in Cornish is destna
Keskolonekter is the Cornish word for sympathy
Yes, sympathy in Cornish is keskolonekter
Bledhen is the Cornish word for year
Yes, year in Cornish is bledhen